Amanda Biccum- Evolutionary Coach

Amanda Biccum


I’m Amanda Biccum

your guide to helping you come back home to the magic, wisdom and pleasures of your body.

My deepest passion is..

In guiding women back into a loving connection with their bodies so that they can experience the immense amount of pleasure available to them in each and every moment. I belive our bodies are our temples and that when we learn to honor, love, worship and devote to them, our lives become richer, more fulfilling and more pleasurable than ever imagined.

My background as a yoga teacher and holistic nutritionist is where I learned how important a daily movement practice is as well as and the vital role food has on our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Studying yoga & nutrition for nearly 10 years was huge in my personal development and conenction to my body, yet it also had its limitations. Through working with many clients over the years, I realized that the biggest progress my clients had in their physical and mental wellbeing, was when they stopped looking at the goal (and what they ‘should/should not’ eat/do) and started feeling deeper…

listening to what their bodies were really trying to tell them.

This practice of deeper listening and learning to get out of the mind and into the body, is what led me to the path of Embodiment which is one of the biggest teachings I share with my clients today.

Embodiment is the integrated awareness of your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic being. It is through the practice of embodiment that we come home to ourselves and open up to the incredible amount of pleasure and love available to us

in each and every moment.

It was throughout my travels in Asia over the last decade (living in India for nearly 3 of those years) that brought me into connection with my body, my intuition and my spiritual wellbeing like never before. It was through studying Taoism & Tantra specifically that brought me closer to myself and my spirituality and the integration of my sexuality.

Over the years, integrating my sexuality through the practice of Tantra has brought me more pleasure, truth, and intimacy inside myself and my relationships. My life has become filled with the type of connections I once longed for and relationships I previously only dreamed of.

Today, my mission is to share the incredible tools, knowledge and wisdom I’ve gained with my clients so that they can live a life more connected to their truth, more embodied and share a depth of intimacy inside their relationships that ignite and fulfill them.

I use the practices of somatic experiencing, biodynamic movement, sexual alchemy, ritual, breathwork, body dearmoring and subconscious reprogramming inside my courses, workshops, retreats and 1:1 offerings

The goal of my work is to help guide clients back into connection with their bodies which is where the true pleasure lies. We live in a world that revolves around the ‘doing’ and relies heavily on the mental aspect,

my job is to help my clients decend from the mind so that they can feel an inner sense of peace, connection and wholeness within.

I offer a mix of both online programs (LIVE and some that you can do at your own pace) as well as in-person events, workshops and retreats around the world.

For individuals who desire to walk hand in hand with me and go on a longer more in depth journey where you can alchemize old patterns, open up to deeper sources of truth and access new layers of pleasure, my 1:1 work a highly individualized experience and the place to be. These spaces are some of my favorite the transformation that happens inside these containers is a transformation of a lifetime. These spaces are limited as I only work with 10 clients per year.

Get in touch

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